Spark Your Curiosity
It is important to us that our customers have a thorough understanding of the solutions and services we provide. We write articles that educate and inspire heat-intensive manufacturers to reignite their operations.

Know Your Precast Refractories and the Challenges They Bring
Optimal product performance in the toughest environments is the goal. Knowledge of the best available technology and innovative processes are the difference between success and failure.
‘Go Where the Work Is Being Done,’ and Other Lessons for Emerging Leaders
Takeaways from a learning session with rising managers.
Whose ‘Proper Way’ Is It, Anyway?
Good strategizing involves making room for other perspectives on your team.
Culture Still Eats Strategy for Breakfast
It took us years to move from top-down to people-centric management, but the journey was worth it.
Spring Cleaning Is Time for Leaders to Take Stock
If you are feeling burned out, begin to take note of what re-energizes you.
Come for the Pay and Benefits. Stay for the Company Culture.
Flexible scheduling, educational opportunities and even small gestures can improve morale.

Once Led Through Fear, a Small Manufacturer Reimagines Itself